Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We made popcorn today. Funny how even popcorn has changed in the last several years. I remember when I was young and we would take a big kettle, pour some salt, oil and popcorn kernels into it, put a lid on it and the shake shake shake it over a good hot stove until all of the corn had popped. Eventually the hot air popcorn maker emerged and out of the spout of the new electrical appliance came flying popcorn, fat and guilt free. Then the microwave changed everything about popcorn. All that is necessary for a perfectly seasoned bag of popcorn is 3 minutes in a microwave oven and viola, an instant snack! Everyone in the family can have their choice plain, sweet, or salty, high fat or low. You name it there is no end to the choices. However one things stays the same, not all the kernels pop. Some pop into light, tasty, delicious puffs, however some just burn, some do nothing, and some turn into little tooth breaking stones. It doesn't seem to matter if it's a hot stove, hot air, or microwaves, not every kernel responds to the process.
God, help me to respond to your process. I don't want to do nothing and I don't want to become burned out and hard, but I want to bloom and expand until I am everything you want me to be. Thank you Lord for the process, teach me to respond to you!

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