Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ministry update

Fred and I are traveling right now. This is the way we spend most of our summers. As many of you know we work in Africa and also the Philippines. Every summer we take some time to visit friends and churches that support us and this is currently what we are doing. Fred is also working diligently on editing the video Bible school classes that we produce. This is a lot of tedious work and it takes hundreds of hours to complete one class. Please pray with us that this work goes smoothly. I have also been finishing my third book. I am hoping that I will have this book published by the end of this month. The title is "The Only Way Out Is In". I am very excited about this project. It has been a lot of work and so many friends have helped me. I couldn't have done it without them.
Many people ask me what we do in our mission work. Fred and I both teach at Bible schools and churches in Africa and the Philippines. It has been our great joy to regularly teach in established Bible schools, run by local African/Philippine ministries. We have the privilege of working with great pastors and leaders. We have established and help supervise/maintain over 40 Video Bible schools across West Africa. We also hold pastor's seminars, women's conferences and work closely with an orphanage in Benin.
Our daughter Marie-Louise is planing to go to Honduras in August this year and this will be her first mission trip with out us. Please pray for her. She will be traveling with Mike and Becky Ingole. She is very excited about going and we believe this will be a great trip for her. Fred is leaving for Africa late August/early September. He is holding several pastor's conferences and teaching Bible school. Please pray for him and his plans. I will leave for Palawan with a team in late October, after Fred comes back from Africa. I am currently booking my fall schedule. (I am available in the USA while Fred is gone) I have a few dates left open. Please pray that everything works smoothly as we juggle all of our programs. We plan to all be back together in the USA for the holidays.
Thanks for your prayers...

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