Thursday, July 9, 2009


I made a new friend yesterday. I love making and keeping friends. It seems to me that in this day of hustle and bustle we forget some of the most important things and one of those things is to look into the eyes of someone while they talk and listen to their heart. As I was listening to my new friend, I saw her deep yearning for God and also the struggle she experiences because of often being missunderstood. I saw someone with deep compassion for others and also a fear of failure. I watched her as she spoke and God began to show me how vital this one person is in the Kingdom of God. How often I have overlooked someone because I was too busy or just didn't pay attention. I made a new friend yesterday because I stopped long enough to look deep inside and see the real person.
God, help me to truly see people, to look deep and feel and understand like you would have me do. That's what being a friend truly is...after all, that's how you treat me.

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