Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boiled Peanuts

I mentioned boiled peanuts the other day on Facebook. I was surprised at the responses that I got. On and on the comments came. I couldn't help but think how special such an insignificant thing like boiled peanuts could be. For one moment in time several people were united in one cause... the love of Boiled peanuts. Who would have guessed that so many people would be interested in the lowly peanut? It made me think about all the people in the world who think they are insignificant, lower than a peanut. So many people have no purpose, no goals, no happiness. They feel so low at times that eating dirt would be a luxury. If you are one of those don't forget, someone cared enough to die for you. You are not alone and definitely not insignificant. The book of Matthew tells a story about a great merchant who sought after a treasure. When he found the treasure he sold all he had just to buy that treasure. Jesus is the great merchant and he found you, His wonderful treasure. He sold all, even his own life, to purchase you. Hmmm...this is so much better than boiled peanuts.

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