Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I am no stranger to failure. It seems we are all destined to fail at some point (or points) in our life. I have one failure that I have to face day after day. Several weeks ago I decided to repaint my bathtub. This didn't seem like a terribly hard thing to do. I read the box and thought, "Oh I could do that easily." I set aside the day to do the work and as the box instructed, I scrubbed and sanded, rinsed and dried the tub until I had prepped the surface and it was ready to paint. Taking my premixed spray cans I sprayed and sprayed. With every layer the tub looked better and better. Now only 2 short months later the tub is pealing and bubbling all over looking worse and worse with patches of peeled paint over top of a nasty looking tub. Failure screams at me every time I take a bath and clean the tub. I had been so sure I could do this job.
Today, as I finished my bath, I couldn't help but think that this tub fiasco is much like other events in life. Often even after much hard work the result is failure. For many these failures define them. However what should define us is the courage to try again and to not give in to the voices of defeat. I'm not going to let a bathtub dictate to me how I feel or convince me of failure. This tub won't win...if I have to I can take a sledge hammer to it and take it out. Then we'll see who wins.

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