Pulcheire from the orphanage in Benin wrote to say:
Greetings from Benin. How are you?
We received the 1.100.56 USD sent for the orphanage.
Thank you very much for that you are doing for orphanage.
Thank you for sending the support.
We hereby thank all the donors may Lord bless them all.

I am sending you greetings from Abidjan.
I really appreciate what you are doing.
I thank you very much for the money.
May the LORD continue to keep and protect you in the NAME of JESUS.
Extend my greetings to Mummy Debby.
I love you all. By Blessed.
(Note: You may remember, he was an interpreter for us in Abidjan at the Bible School and has had 2 strokes and can barely stand, use his arms or be understood when he talks – pray for his healing.)
Hello Dad,
I was so excited to hear from you. I always give thanks to the Lord for having you as the right mentor I needed. I am proud of you and Mama. Thank you for all you have done for us, the church, Parakou and Benin.
(Note: We took him some equipment – like the new printer you see in the picture and we always preach at his church and do conferences with him.)
Albert and Aldous from the Video Bible School in Accra, Ghana wrote to say:
Albert - Pastor Fred - The first week of the Video Bible School has been very encouraging and inspiring. The attendance of majority of the students was excellent and they all took their home studies very seriously. Their understanding level has also not been bad at all. In a nut shell I will say week one of the VBS has been wonderful though there may be one or two minor lapses which we dealt with without any difficulty. The only unexpected problem we encountered was on friday with the TV. In the course of the afternoon session, the lights (power) was constantly going off and on and so in the process affected the TV. So we've taken it to the repairer and he working on it so we don’t yet know the cost but he promised it will be ready before Sunday.
(Note: The TV has been repaired and the school has continued.)
Aldous - Pastor Fred - I'm happy you're ok with the bible school so far and we're believing God that things will move on smoothly till we graduate. I'm also happy you're doing fine back there in the states. My regards to Debby and Mary Louis. Thank you and hope to hear from you. STAY BLESSED
So, Debby and I wanted to say a special, “Thank you.” We could not begin to do all we do with out you! Also we wanted you to be able to read some of the, “Thank you” emails that we receive, that really are for you.